Sunday 3 January 2021

Choose Life

I heard of a man who died of heartbreak. I have heard of men, women and children who die of heartbreak from issues that happen to humans.

In life many things you can talk about and many more things you cannot talk about can break your heart.

Who will you tell when you discover your children are not biologically yours. Who will you tell that children you carried in your womb are only biologically related to your spouse. Who will you reveal to that you gave your wife permission to have sex outside and bring home pregnancy as yours. Who will you confide in that though you accuse your woman of adultery, it was you who drove her to it because you avoided her during ovulation cycles so she remains devoted to the children of your former wife - living or dead, who calls her mummy. Who will you complain to when, a man who abandoned his child at birth after an attempt to abort was manipulated against his will, suddenly return years after to claim her because a brain wave reminded him the sperm was his. Who will you lament to that the first man whose marriage proposal you accepted, but was whisked off by his secretary, never stopped loving you. Who do you tell that your third child belong to a stranger you met at a bar on a day you went to cool off from marital stress potent enough to kill you. Who do you tell that a boss raped you and pleaded with you to cover his shame in exchange for financial support you dearly need. Who do you confide in that in deciding not to pay with childlessness for marriage to a man who turns out to be impotent, you sought the bosom of another while keeping his secret, one he still refuse to talk about. Who do you tell that you saw the doctor pulling out his penis from your body as sedation from abortion wore off. Who do you tell that in your moment of emotional need, you forced yourself on your wife’s sister and her only child, one who gives everyone so much joy, is biologically yours.

Hmn. The grave remains a vault of silenced secrets. Secrets known to God Almighty from whom no being can hide.

No matter your story, dying of a heartbreak is too great a punishment. I can only pray God grants loved ones of those whose hearts bowed to the price of death peace. 

I have known ache from lost love. I have known pain from grief, fraud and diabolic attacks by in-laws who wrestled to take all including my life. I continue to pray and fight hard as God keeps my life from their reach. My strategies changed when I decided I don’t want to be a dead hero... Dead people never get justice.

May I share what I know, in hope that you will do your own research and regardless of what research uncovers, you will chose life in the universal knowledge that NO HUMAN OWNS ANYTHING. All we lay claim to were GIVEN.

No man owns a woman under the law. Simply put, no human can own another human. Under the law, all contracts are cancellable.

Covenants are more binding than contracts. When it is sealed by God, you need mercy to annul. When it is sealed by blood, you need God. Renouncement is insufficient to break a blood bond.

Marriage under The Act does not forbid a man or woman from marrying another. It forbids a man and woman from marrying another under The Act. With corrupt judges and criminal attorneys, your rights under the law can be manipulated.

Rachael was Jacobs first love and I daresay first wife. It was for her he laboured. His will was manipulated and he was offered another. He could have walked away. She could have walked away. The love he maintained for her did not fence her from the death of her own making. God granted her request for one more son but she never lived to nurture him. The anger she housed till death led her to name him Benoni.

If you were not given the key to his penis or the lock to her vagina, do not kill yourself or scheme to kill when you hear he or she elected to use it with another. Your right is limited and subject to his or her will.

A paper is not what sustains a marriage or contract; commitment, contentment and cooperation does. If you have to repeatedly chant, I am your husband, you either are insane or have no spouse. A wife who willfully signed you into marriage knows who you are. There is no better currency to seal marriage than trust. Sadly it is in shortfall. Never demand it if you are incapable of giving it. If you live on porn, do not cry wolf and act mad if your wife seek the arms of another who is not wasted on e-hangover. You made your choice. She made hers. 

A legal paper makes your marriage a legal contract. It does not prevent either of you from killing the other or becoming insane. It is why it is revokable but insanity therefrom may need lifetime therapy.

If you married under God, call God to mediate when things go off course and be ready for the transformation He orders. If you cannot abide by the Law of God, do not run to God when sweet becomes sour.

Remember. The Law of God did not prevent Cain from killing Abel. Abel elected against God’s will to trust a jealous brother. He paid with his life. His death was avenged but Cain received mercy. Abel could not request mercy.

Be aware that as long as marriage was consummated under the law, regardless of reproductive ability of a man, children born in a marriage are his. No one should die of a heartbreak when there are legal steps for redress. If there is no legal redress, learn to move ahead; to start a pity party is to risk being mocked for choosing virtue above vice.

Shame should never be worn by victims; they are garbs belonging to abusers! I meet clients who are so ashamed of what was done to them that they refuse to take on the courage to be healed. To punish yourself when life has dealt you a deadly blow is double jeopardy. 

In the deep waters of abuse, I chose to go for manicure. I chose to go for massage. I chose to eat out with friends. I chose to be closer to the children. I chose life.

Please speak to a counsellor if in dire straits about ANYTHING that turns your sleep to a sigh. I am a COUNSELLOR. Your first session is free courtesy #ExcelWithAnne. 

Choose counsel over crime. The dead face judgement. The living can get justice.

Dr. Omolola Omoteso-Famuyiwa is a minister who is passionate about sharing God's words for the healing of others.

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