Friday 19 August 2022

Focus on Jesus Isaiah 45:22

During Spoken Word: Feast of Esther USA

Dear One,

I will like to warn you against many forwarded messages asking women or wives to do this and do that without any caution or counsel for men or husbands.

If you are an angel and you marry a mad man, if God does not help you, the marriage will break and people will still blame you.

A sister shared with me how even before she married, herself and her husband-to-be enjoyed sex, only for them to marry and household wickedness had made him satanically impotent meaning each time they needed to have sex, he would not have an erection.

But did she have children? Oh yes! How? She aligned with God rather than reading must-do mantras.

She shared that if she followed doctors and others said, she may never have conceived because she got pregnant outside ovulation periods. For one conception, her husband had returned from a trip feeling horny. Even though she had been told it is "dirty" to make love during menses, she gave in to his advances because he was travelling again the next day.

Brethren! She conceived!

I warn you against all these tall order messages attempting to make women machines.

I hope someone writes the version for men in reference to forwarded do this do that and religiously share it as folks share the one for women. I'll look for a copy I did for men some years back and share here so many can share with their men...

But over and beyond writing rejoinders, I urge you to keep your eyes on Glorified Jesus. Hebrews 12:2

Emotions are natural. It is why the Bible never said never be angry. Jesus was so angry that he whipped or whopped scoundrels out of the sanctuary.

Christian women are taught of the Lord and treat husbands or ought to treat husbands and others right. But some in the name of being submissive and subservient have died nonsense death like Osinachi and others. Jesus paid the capital price we do not need more self electing martyrs!

Many people quote submission but I once drew attention in church to 1 Peter 3:7. Honour = High Respect, Great Esteem.

Teach your boys and men to give honour to girls and women and many homes would be restored.

But for the wisdom Abigail used, she would have died with her foolish husband.

Some things are plain logical reasoning. If you are unable to sleep all night because your husband snores heavily, have another room till your prayer is answered or he gets medical help. Do sex when he is awake and head to your room to sleep well. Do not suffer insomnia in the name of love! If you die loving, he will live marrying!

If your husband has HIV/AIDS every attempt for him to make love without durex is attempt to kill you. Give him all the love but avoid deep kissing and use rubber!

Live humanly and humanely or leave abusive men rather than becoming a machine or modifying yourself to fit into narcissist ego!

Vashti was not a bad woman; her narcissist husband edited her out of destiny... God allowed it because He needed a Jewish alternative.

Should I then pray that real Christian women will take the place of all non-Christian women married to narcissist men through whom God may wish to fulfil destiny?!

Many will not say AMEN, especially if your man is like Persian king, Ahasuerus (Xerxes I).

Though we praise Esther and many speak highly of her, how many Christian mothers today will let their daughters do what Esther did? Today, many control their children out of destiny!

When I received a message from God and told a minister what God ministered to me that they should go ahead and have sex during the first trimester, he said that is not what the doctor said. Guess what, they lost the pregnancy. Whose report will we believe? That of ungodly doctors, motivational speakers or God through His prophets.

Thank God they listened thereafter to the voice of the Holy Spirit and God blessed them. Keep your eyes and mind on Jesus. Let God be your anchor!

Some women no longer know how to play with their darling darlington, because they are following forwarded motivation from speakers who may not even read the Bible. When last did you tickle him and run around the house with him? That is what men enjoy with girlfriends and mistresses they shower gifts on. He can no longer run his hands through your hair because you wrap to church and super wrap to bed in case you wake for midnight cry. May you not end up doing day cry when your honey is siphoned!

The food he refuse to cook with you because you will nag him out of existence, he is cooking with someone else who may be less educated or even older than you!

Biko, let your hair down and PLAY! Then enter the holy of holies cloud anywhere the scenes end, especially if you are both home alone.

So what did Esther do? Esther was encouraged to join a beauty contest where the king made love to, had sex with all the maidens ahead of choosing one as his bride; all those not chosen were banished from ever marrying! Esther was NOT lucky, she was chosen. Esther did NOT enjoy her marriage, she enjoyed the grace which led her set her people free. Her mission was not me and my husband, her destiny mission was emancipation from slavery!

Will you register your teenage daughter to contest to be a governor's second wife but first lady? If God says she is chosen, will you obey when you know pastors and sisters may not believe your God said.

Let us remember that the Proverbs 31 woman died long ago in the days when women did not have to endure traffic and engage telephones!

Mo wi temi.

Omolola ni oruko mi.

Rev. Dr. Omolola Omoteso is a minister 
who is passionate about sharing God's words for the healing of others.