Friday 14 November 2014

Sunday School Resource - How to Evangelise

On Saturday 15th of November the Sunday School Department of RCCG, The King's Court in Hackensack New Jersey will be leading the church members to carry out intercessory prayers and thereafter they would be going round the church neighbourhood to share the love of God with the Bible sharing tracts and bookmarks.

Recreate below as concise bullet points which you can share as nuggets to aid the outreach programme. Let them know this is an evangelism outreach in line with God’s commission to believers in Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19-20 to evangelize. Let them know that in participating they are tapping into Matthew 6:33 – as they seek first to increase God's kingdom, God will add all other blessings to them.

Sharing one’s faith with nonbelievers can be intimidating and difficult, but also incredibly rewarding. Evangelism is a cornerstone of the Christian faith and can be a great way to connect with people and share your passion in a tactful, friendly manner. Believers can learn to make the whole process easier by using simple evangelism tips in a group or individual evangelism outreach.

1.  Pick an appropriate location and time. That is what we have done. Individuals and other departments can do this also. As we move around, members should be courteous and respectful.

2. Be prepared. We have prepared ourselves spiritually by praying first. Some people find it very hard to share their faith and experiences because it takes courage to talk about what you believe in to people who might not always be interested in listening. But with us doing this as a group, your courage level would be boosted. If you approach someone in twos, one can speak while the other prays in the spirit. After each session with the person you meet or home you visit, quickly review and talk about how to do the next one better.

3. Have a message. The message we are sharing today is a message of hope; Jesus saves, God is love and there is hope in God. Share biblical messages and experiences that will connect with people in a personal way. We can share important bible verses or stories, story of how you came to be saved, benefits of salvation and church history.

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4.  Have few probing questions to ask. It's helpful to transition from simple conversation into a discussion of faith by leading with probing questions, and it helps to have a good list of them to draw from so you're not struggling to come up with them on the fly. Good questions might include:
a.     Do you feel fulfilled in your life?
b.     Do you ever feel like something is missing?
c.      Do you pray?
d.     Do you go to church?
e.     Have you experienced the joy of salvation?

5.     Don't rush directly into the topic of witnessing. Start with some small talk and ask about what has been going on in the person’s life lately. Expect that they won’t immediately trust you. Since we have just a few minutes, come across as being friendly before you go into witnessing.

6.   Ask a probing question. Ask a question that will lower the person's guard and get them thinking about larger existential issues, making them receptive to an exchange of ideas. A question like, "What do you think about afterlife?" can be effective at transitioning the conversation into your territory. A most effective evangelistic tool that you can use is a survey. You can ask four questions about an individual's life, and after you know the needs and beliefs, witness to each based on the point of view.

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7.     Listen and pay attention. Evangelism isn't just waiting for an opportunity to speak; it needs to be a real conversation and exchange of ideas. When you ask a question like, "Have you experienced the joy of salvation?” really listen to the response. Aside from giving them the feeling that they have a willing listener, you need to pay attention to what they're saying to enable you respond appropriately, accurately and convincingly. Avoid pressing persons that are totally closed to you, but persist with the ones that are open. Listening closely will help you to gauge the person’s interest and open them up even more.

8.     Talk about your testimony to encourage the person. Tell them about your version of Christianity, what it means to you, and how your faith has changed your life for the better. It's important to treat this conversation as a conversation between two people, putting a face on the Church. In general, you'll want to avoid getting into overly complicated discussions of dogma and theology, focusing instead on the importance of faith and salvation.

9.  Talk about the Ten Commandments. The Commandments are typically somewhat familiar to the layperson, and a conversation about "laws" can be an effective transition into more theoretical concepts and ideas. Even non-believers can agree that lying, killing, and stealing are to be avoided, and hearing it laid out in those terms can make closed listeners more receptive. Alternatively you can bring in the law by starting with known laws like the “Blue Law” or “Thanksgiving” which have their root in Christianity.

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10. Lay out the ABC. Some evangelists like to use a basic introduction method of becoming a Christian as a way of giving a possible convert a concrete list of steps to keep in mind when thinking about developing their faith. The ABC method breaks down like this:
A: Admit that you are a sinner
B: Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins
C: Confess your belief to Christ

11. Lay out a plan with them. A person may not become spiritually mature and be "saved" after talking to you for five minutes. What's the next step? What should this person do tomorrow and the next day to build and maintain their new interest in your faith? Pray, study the Bible and attend church.

12. Provide appropriate literature. Have Bible and some handouts to give the most receptive of the people you communicate with. Also give materials provided by the department e.g. bookmark to as many people as possible, whether they show interest or not.

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13. Do not deliver a false-hope Gospel. Deliver the true Gospel, the "Good News." Anyone who says that when you become a Christian your life will be always wonderful and perfect has apparently never read the New Testament. If the person you are trying to convert does not wish to discuss or listen, then move ahead to talk to someone more receptive.

14. Do not preach hell, fire and brimstone or prosperity message. Just preach the basics of the good news of the Gospel. The basic story of Jesus is a good place to start.

15. Recommend the church. Ensure you share the church’s information. Share the service schedule especially Sunday Service and Bible Study.

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16. Evangelise for the right reasons. If they are social or material, you are no better than a salesman. The Lord is always reaching out to the unbelievers, but you can be in God’s way if you are a hypocrite.

17. Proclaim the Truth of the Gospel without respect for persons or favouritism. Do not use opinions and non-biblical doctrines and traditions when trying to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ to unbelievers or members of another religion or denomination.

18. Pray with them. If the person has never prayed before, he/she may be reluctant, curious or nervous about the process. Walk the person through the prayer session. Say a simple and brief prayer, introducing them to it as a practice. Tell them how to pray and when to pray. If they accept the Lord, welcome them to the body of Christ after praying, request that they join a Bible believing church and invite them to church.

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