Sunday 16 November 2014

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Often when we try to pray the prayer of praise or thanksgiving we end up making it a prayer of supplication, prayer of request, prayer of confession etc. Below is an attempt to give you a guide to enable you direct your praise or thanks giving to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Two ingredients must be present in praise and thanksgiving, these are songs and acknowledgement. To help you flow it is important to recount the blessings you have enjoyed as a child of God. This is not the time to lament over unanswered prayers but a time to approach your Heavenly Father with a sacrifice of praise and thanks.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:

Song: We give you all the glory, we give you honour, we give you all the glory…

My initial thought was to decline praying about thanks giving! Since my mother passed, everything for which I can thank God has paled in comparison to the loss I’ve felt in these 365 days. But on second thought I want to believe having me lead a prayer of thanksgiving a day after the longest year of my life is definitely not a coincidence.

I’ll want us to just go ahead and begin to appreciate God for the blessing of salvation. The blessing of knowing him who said that to Him will all flesh come.

Song: For this God is our God, forever and ever

The bulk of our prayer is for needs and wants in our lives or in the lives of others but today we’ll thank him for being God to us. My father is not your father, my mother is not your mother but this God is our God. We are going to thank him for being God, for being the propitiation for our sins

Song: O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth

Let us thank God for being mindful of us. For being our carer, our provider, let us thank him for crowning us with glory and honour; the bible says he made us a little lower than the angels and he gave us dominion over all the works of his hands.

Song: There is none holy as the Lord

Finally let us thank him for the excellency of his name. Psalm 8 says his name his excellent. Obama’s name opens political doors, Wole Soyinka’s names opens literary doors but the name of the king of kings and lord of lords created those whose name open doors!  It is because of the excellency of his names that Elijah was able to command the sun in his name and the sun stood still. Go ahead and thank God for that wonderful name Jesus.

Song: That wonderful name Jesus

Round off: Lord we thank you for you. We thank you for the grace to call you father. We thank you for the ownership we claim to that name. We hank you for that wonderful name which is the master key, that name which is the answer for whatever challenge we may be going through, that name which shatters every strong hold in our lives. Thank you for giving us an opportunity tonight to approach the throne of grace knowing that we have assurance of mercy and grace in Jesus matchless name. Amen.

Mrs. Omolola Omoteso-Famuyiwa is a minister who is passionate about 
sharing God's words for the healing of others.

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