Wednesday, 16 August 2023
Remain In Line
Sunday, 6 August 2023
African Women in America

Did things get tougher for African Women or to be politically correct, African American Women in USA or it is just me?
Getting housing is herculean for females, getting health insurance is herculean, getting husband is HERCULEAN… well, for many. But Divine Connection continues to help in this regard. Through the model by DC, I was fortunate that my man found me, but cold hands and heart clogged him to death in the nation of his birth where he went just to support his friend and make life better economically for the masses. How I wish he listened to warnings that neither his friend nor family would prioritise his health.
The journey to relevance has been rough, but I have followed my favourite Biblical principle of whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy might… I have worked as counsellor (oh please, I write it with double l), content creator, chef, caregiver, cleaner, coach, coordinator, consultant and of course communicator to bring in the cash.
At one job, I performed so excellently, and a committee came together to offer me Assistant Teacher. I laughed and nicely declined. Even though I left doctorate degree off my resume abi na CV, how sane is it for someone with dual masters to be offered AT in an Elementary School! Even in Nigeria, as far back as 1997, a Principal rejected my NYSC Posting because he insisted my degree in Philosophy is better suited for tertiary education.
At one job, in an attempt for me to fail, no one gave me IEP for my one on one and review was skipped just to make me falter. I excelled so well that they began to search for faults and the one they found is that I gave Easter gift to Christian student who gave me gift for Christmas.
At one job, the African American on the interview panel insisted I was better than my resume, so she got the others to approve for me to apply as Manager. I was excited, I thought I finally found a truthful company. As the Caucasian to interview me for the role of Manager came to the reception to take me in, he said, I know already how much time I will spend with you. Rather than 30-60 minutes earmarked, he minced no words to convey his preference was for the skin tone called white. Pleas to made call officer which I was approved for before upgrade fell on deafness... He wrapped up so fast, I wish I told my ride to wait!

Even doing “charity” in America has been tough. Books sent to prison to indirectly serve soul care to inmates, returned to us about 3 months after tattered. Though it was presented like it was never opened. The pack was opened, the books were ripped, a note was inside and Fedex refused to reimburse for the damage.
Insurance dollars that should have been disbursed when our property was flooded went into voice note. It is like even the system is wired to take advantage of your gender, status and race!
Like that was NOT enough, 4 homes owned by us were hijacked because a brother in law felt disgruntled about America’s Law of allowing wife serve as legal administrator. Of course, he found conniving Judas among American judges, attorneys, realtors, brokers, and banks. When one of the homes was sold with a huge overage held for me by the NJ Courts, satanic connivers found a way to ensure that no penny made it to me. Who does a widowed woman turn to for solace or solution?
I kept cutting back on accomplishment to fit in until I realised it was time to sign into ministry full time, join the military - my first love, or step up my own company, but even there, hurdles were erected which no one was ready to move. After crisscrossing all arms of military, I found a light at the tunnel of the US Navy but the naturalisation document, stolen or misplaced during the hijack of properties, but verifiable via my social security number became the needle’s eye. As for setting up nonprofit in the US, in spite of submitting all documents, getting 501c became the eye of the needle. Yes, the companies are registered but getting grant remains gagged until the white miwomiwo gods of 501c are appeased.
With thousands of dollars invested in PROSCI, one would expect that connection will emanate from there but alas it was all limitless resources with no window, door or even pinhole for use.
With 5 college degrees – 1 Bachelors, 3 Masters, 1 Doctorate with 2 of the degrees resting firmly on theological principles, usable in any setting desirous of virtuous righteous leanings, plus 5 certifications (I can’t claim one or two aren’t expired), many applications still ended in rejection. Even African American employers avoided multiplying the resource called AA!
But through it all, I have learned to trust in Jesus and sliced through the bars of asunder. In spite of all the rejections, I recorded praise reports and immense support from those divinity assigned and roles kept coming to me to minister soul care and manage special commissions. I worked with the presidency as private consultant, worked as preacher, publisher and content creator, worked as conference coordinator and other roles including doing programmes and projects for the less privileged, volunteering as caregiver to misionaries with two in end life cycle, and continued to offer transformation and mentorship under Excel Leadership Academy, taking on women in ministry under partnership or mentorship, shaping destinies of children and grandchildren especially when husband after husband elected to hack into histories sitting on his untamed ego...
AND two positions opened up without an application, compelling me to remember that God's 5 fold instruction remains engraved in the destiny calling me to serve humanity:
1. Return
2. Write
3. Complete Manuscripts
4. Don't look for job.
5. Do only the work I send your way.
The two were based on referrals... a call into relevance following an invitation to do what I do best -serve soul care via ministration.
Should you know companies in need of genuine missions to spend their CSR funds especially Dollars, Pounds or Naira on or in need of medical staffing in USA or NG, please reach me. After all the rough seasons, I can confidently say that item #7 is NOT menu, but mansion here and hereafter.
Following 7 years of advocacy, I gracefully step into the season of advancement. Thanks for welcoming me to new beginnings.